General Purpose and Fine Finish Blade Field Test

Field Testing Survey

Project Overview

  • Date Posted
    November 9, 2022
  • Application Deadline
  • Project End Date

Project Description

This is our first ever field test that that we are encouraging our Testers to share about the product and testing experience on Social Media.

Upon approval for this project. You will receive two 10” Crescent Saw Blades, General Purpose and Fine Finish. Please DO NOT opt-in to this project if you do not have a use for BOTH of these blades.

Project Obligations

  • Pre-Test: Once you receive the product, you will take a survey based on your initial impression BEFORE using the blades.
  • Use the blades: It is imperative that you use both of the blades enough to get a good understanding of how they perform. You will have 3-4 weeks.
  • Post-Test: After the testing period closes, another survey will open in the portal to capture your experience with the blades and overall takeaways
  • Share Your Experience: This is not mandatory but we have never been able to be so transparent with the world about our process. We are excited to give our testers this opportunity to post and share about the entire experience.

At the conclusion of the project we will share how your responses matched up against the rest of the Testers.

Please reach out if you have any questions!

Project Scope

Social Media encouraged field testing program.

Crescent 10" Saw Blades
Fine Finish and General Purpose